
Sunday, 10 April 2016

Building a Warlord Titan - Part 1 - Legs

The Step 1:  First I attached the ball joints to the hip using JB Weld and a big clamp!  Before gluing I roughed up the surfaces to aid purchase.  24 hour drying time is required for this product, but it has a really strong bond.

Step 2: Then I built the shins.  More JB Welding, clamping and waiting!

Step 3: I then built the attached the lower and upper leg together.  Clamping the knee joint and more JB weld.  Again, 24 hour drying time is required.

Step 4:  Built the feet.  They were again glued using JB Weld, but clamps were not required.  I put this on a nice flat surface to make sure they are properly flat.

Step 5:  This is the hardest step thus far.  I slipped the hip rings over the hip ball joints, then used JB Kwik on all the contact surfaces; both ankles and both hips.  The ankles don't have a very good contact area, but this will get pinned later.  JB Kwik isn't as strong as JB Weld, but it's still a lot stronger than superglue.  I'll be pinning the hips and knees as well later.  I kept an ankle piston roller thing handy to check alignments thought out the posing.

The pose I choose is hopefully quite erect.  There are quite a few warlords out there now that are squatting.  I hope the model portrays a braced pause in stride, to launch a salvo at the enemy.

So that's the basic the legs built.  The armour plate connectors and hip Pistons will be left off until after pining.  The armour plates and ankle piston roller things will be left off until after painting.

Next step, pinning!


  1. Slowly but surely!! Looking good bud, it all gets a bit exciting from this point onwards!

  2. Alright Col. I guess your going to kick-start me into my Warlord so we can work on it around the same time.

    1. Don't worry, I will be working very slow. This post represents about two months bubbling away in the back ground. I'm expecting to pin then work on the Titan head mount. I doubt I will finish the build for a couple of months!

  3. Argh, double post. Any reason you did not pin?

  4. I need to start pinning my Warlord. Good thing that the Gyro's hide where they will be so well.

    1. Yeah almost like they planned it! Great to see you will be working on Bome Garland!
