Phase two, which is running concurrently with phase 1, is designing a new more detailed model. This is the current state of the 3D model.
This is a test print of the cabin door. I was a bit tight on the measurements, so it's a tight fit across and a bit short vertically. I'm making the adjustments and will reprint later this week. It also shows the channels are two narrow. I'm going to go from .2 to .5 mm. Measuring on some marine tanks, this seems to be more like the gap gw use.
As part of the project I need is 8 predator heavy bolters (4 of each left and right side) and 2 land raider doors per gunship. If anyone has some spare, I'll happily purchase these.
What do you think?
The long hobby war contiunes...
I'll have a look - Unfotunately, from your POV, most of my landraiders were done by commission artists who tend to keep all the spares in their bitzboxes.