Been a little while since the last blog. Mainly because I was going stir crazy casting blocks. Because of this the Norman Keep is on hold for a little while.
However in my first post I put up some pictures of a command section of Flames of War Panzergrenadier. Actually, its a Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Company HQ. The kit contains three Sd Kfz 251/1 Half Tracks and three infantry stands. I thought to give me a break I would paint them.
These are where I'm up to.
A Panzerschreck team.
First of three Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track
The colours are Flames Of War, Vallejo paints. Utility, German Infantry and German Armour paint sets. Camoflage pattern is based of a Konigstiger (King Tiger) pattern. My air brush isn't fine enough to paint this tanks, so had to improvise.
Hope you like them...
Hope you like them...
See you then.
The Colonel